

on Amazon

New York Times bestselling author, Mark Cheverton, will take children from Brainstorming their story idea to self-publishing on Amazon.


His online creative writing course will teach childeren storytelling strategies and techniques used by professional authors but simplified to make them more digestible for young writers.

– Lessons are broken down into short videos, approx 10 min in length.

– Examples to show the use of the storytelling strategies are taken from my latest book, I Hate It When Aliens Do That, as well as from other kids’ books.

– With the purchase of a course, you will receive a FREE electronic copy of I Hate It When Aliens Do That.

– Multiple writing assignments assigned throughout the course. Each assignment targets a specific storytelling strategy.

– Outline guides will be offered to help with character development, plot development, and tools to help students outline a chapter.

– Similes, sentence structure, how to use paragraphs and chapters, and other grammatical topics covered in the course.

To learn more about Mark’s creative writing courses for kids, click the button below, then click on a course, after creating an account, and watch some FREE lessons.


Mark’s books are being read by kids around the world.

29 books for kids ages 8-13.

New York Times bestselling author

Published in 31 countries

Over 2 million copies in print.

This course will turn your child’s story idea into a self-published book on Amazon!


I’ve set up a Private Facebook Group for the students of my course to ask question, offer feedback, and receive feedback on their work. This is intended to be a safe place to share your work or get help. I ask everyone to be respectful, kind, and helpful, however, no one should share any personal information about themselves to anyone else. Anyone asking for personal information from other students will be removed from the Facebook group. This is safe place for kids, and I hope to keep it that way.

You can find the Facebook group here:

Please share your paragraphs or stories in the Facebook group for others to see and learn from.

Click the button to sign up


– Brainstorming your story

– Point of View Character

– Finding your Narrative Voice

– Character Development



     Secondary characters

– Character Arc

– Plot Design

     Creating the Hook

     Go on a Quest

     Dark Night of the Soul

     Finding the Inner Hero

     Final Conflict

– How to structure chapters

– How to Create the Setting

       Sensory Details with Setting

       Emotions in Setting

– How to Show and not Tell

– Effective Dialogue

       Eliminating “he/she said”

       Using action in dialogue

– Suspense and Tension

       Sentence Structure


– Descriptive Phrases

– Crafting Battle Scenes

– Putting it all Together

– Editing with Grammarly

– Getting Ready for Pub.

– Self-publishing on Amazon

COURSE STRUCTURE – The course will be divided into short 5 to 10-minute videos to make the concepts easier to digest. Throughout the course, Mark will use his 29th novel, I Hate It When Aliens Do That, as an example. He’ll show where he applied the different storytelling strategies in this book and why he made these choices.

FREE NOVEL – Everyone who takes this online course will receive an electronic copy of I Hate It When Aliens Do That. This way, young writers can learn about all the concepts being taught in the course, and see the final effect of these strategies in Mark’s book.

SEEING YOUR FIRST BOOK IN PRINT – It is a great moment to experience when your child opens an Amazon box and pull their book out and hold it for the first time, their name on the cover in big letter. I still remember that moment when I pulled out my first book from that Amazon box and held my book for the first time. I was 50 years old at the time, and it felt pretty special. For a young child, the boost to their self-esteem must be epic!

Click the button below and sign in to, and watch the first 3 lessons in Course 1, Course 2, or Course 3 FOR FREE!

New books by Mark Cheverton


Here are 2 MINECRAFT stories you can download and distribute any way you wish FREE from Gameknight Publishing.

Click the download button. It will take you to a new page where you can enter your email address, so I can send you the link to the books. You’ll also be signed up for my eNewsletter. You won’t be spammed, but you get to:

  • enter into contests
  • learn about upcoming books
  • get access to other free books and much more

And your child will have the chance to suggest names of characters and objects in upcoming novels and be mentioned in the acknowledgments

You can unsubscribe at any time and your information is NEVER shared or sold!

Contact me

Hi everyone,

     I love getting emails from readers, parents, and teachers. I answer every email personally, but please, please, please type your email address carefully. If you type the wrong email address, I can’t respond to you, so please be careful.

     Let’s get your child published.
