
  • Blurry or unfocused vision
  • Objects or people appearing distorted or out of place
  • Rapidly darting eyes as they try to make sense of surroundings
  • A furrowed brow or squinted eyes
  • Overlapping or conflicting images
  • Unexpected changes in lighting or shadow


  • Muffled or indistinct sounds
  • Overlapping voices or noises
  • A constant buzzing or ringing in the ears
  • Abrupt changes in volume
  • Incomprehensible chatter or whispers
  • Repetitive or looping sounds


  • A sensation of being off-balance or unsteady
  • Tingling or numbness in the fingers or toes
  • Sweaty or clammy palms
  • A sense of physical disorientation
  • Unfamiliar textures feeling unsettling or strange
  • Light-headedness or dizziness


  • Overpowering or mixed scents that are difficult to identify
  • The sudden absence of a familiar smell
  • Smells that seem out of place or illogical
  • A faint or distant aroma that triggers uncertain memories
  • Conflicting smells that create a sense of discomfort


  • A metallic or bitter taste in the mouth
  • A dry mouth or difficulty swallowing
  • Tastes not matching the expected flavors of food or drink
  • Unidentifiable or strange aftertastes
  • Sudden changes in taste sensitivity

General Sensation:

  • A racing heart or quickened breath
  • A knot in the stomach or a queasy feeling
  • Sweating or feeling overly warm
  • Shivers or a cold sweat
  • A sense of time moving too quickly or too slowly
  • Difficulty focusing thoughts or recalling information

Internal Sensations

  1. Mental Fog: A feeling of haziness or cloudiness in one’s thoughts, making it difficult to focus or process information.
  2. Indecision: An inability to make decisions quickly or effectively, often accompanied by second-guessing.
  3. Disorientation: Feeling lost or unsure about where you are in a task or conversation, or losing track of thoughts.
  4. Anxiety: Increased worry or stress about not understanding something or being unable to perform tasks that normally wouldn’t be a problem.
  5. Frustration: A sense of irritation or annoyance due to the inability to grasp or manage information.
  6. Overwhelm: A feeling of being swamped by too much information or too many choices, leading to a shutdown in processing capability.

External Sensations

    1. Facial Expressions: A furrowed brow, widened eyes, and a look of perplexity are common.
    2. Body Language: May include head-scratching, tapping fingers, or fidgeting as physical manifestations of mental unrest.
    3. Speech Patterns: Pausing frequently, stuttering, or repeating phrases as the person tries to gather thoughts or articulate them clearly.
    4. Physical Discomfort: Headaches or stomachaches can sometimes accompany confusion, especially if it’s prolonged or particularly distressing.
    5. Behavioral Responses: Hesitation in actions, withdrawing from conversation or activities, or displaying avoidance behaviors when faced with complex situations.
    6. Change in Energy Levels: Either an increase (restlessness) or a decrease (sluggishness) in energy as a reaction to confusion.