
  • Gray, overcast skies with no hint of sunlight
  • Empty, deserted streets or desolate landscapes
  • Faces with downcast eyes and slumped shoulders
  • Faded, peeling paint and dilapidated buildings
  • Cluttered, disorganized spaces or barren, empty rooms


  • Silence, or the distant sound of wind howling
  • The monotonous drip of a leaky faucet
  • Muted voices, almost whispers, as if people are too tired to speak
  • The creak of old floorboards or the rustle of leaves in an empty street
  • Soft sobs or the occasional, stifled cry


  • Dampness, like the scent of rain-soaked earth or musty basements
  • Stale air, lacking freshness or vitality
  • Lingering odors of decay or mildew
  • Faint traces of smoke or something burnt
  • The faint, metallic tang of blood or sweat


  • Bitter, metallic taste in the mouth
  • Dryness, as if the mouth is parched and devoid of moisture
  • Stale, tasteless food that brings no comfort
  • The acrid taste of tears
  • The sourness of bile rising in the throat


  • Clammy, cold skin or the chill of a drafty room
  • Heavy, lethargic limbs that feel like lead
  • The rough texture of unwashed clothes or scratchy fabrics
  • An aching, hollow feeling in the chest
  • The prickling sensation of tears welling up

Internal Sensations

  1. Emotional Distress: Feelings of sadness, despair, or emptiness can dominate, often accompanied by a sense of overwhelming pessimism or fatalism.
  2. Mental Fatigue: There can be a notable decrease in the ability to concentrate or make decisions, alongside a general sense of mental exhaustion or burnout.
  3. Physical Symptoms: People might experience a lack of energy, sleep disturbances (like insomnia or excessive sleeping), changes in appetite, or a general sense of being physically unwell or drained.
  4. Anxiety and Panic: Intense worry or fear about the future, often with a feeling that things will never improve.
  5. Isolation: A withdrawal from social interactions and activities that one usually enjoys, leading to a sense of loneliness or detachment.

External Sensations

  1. Reduced Activity: Decreased participation in usual activities, showing little to no enthusiasm for engagements they previously found enjoyable or important.
  2. Social Withdrawal: Avoiding social situations, which can be visible to others as increased solitude or retreating from relationships and social obligations.
  3. Neglect of Personal Care: Observable decline in personal grooming, hygiene, and general upkeep, which may indicate a loss of personal interest or energy.
  4. Physical Slowness: Movements may become slower, and overall physical reactions can appear diminished or lethargic.
  5. Expressive Changes: Less facial expressivity and a subdued or flat tone of voice, often reflecting the internal emotional state.