NERVOUSNESS Physical (Touch and Internal Sensations) Heart pounding in the chest, often felt as a rapid or irregular heartbeat. Sweaty palms or perspiration on the forehead and other parts of the body. Shaking hands or trembling lips, a general unsteadiness in the...


JEALOUSY Sight Narrowed, darting eyes that continuously observe the object of jealousy. A clenched jaw or a tight, forced smile as someone watches others receive the attention or praise they desire. Subtle changes in facial expression, such as a furrowed brow or a...


IMPATIENCE Sight Narrowing of the eyes or frequent blinking Tapping feet or fingers Clock-watching, with eyes darting to the time repeatedly Fidgeting with objects or clothes Pacing back and forth Sudden, jerky movements Sound Sighing loudly or huffing Muttering to...


HOPELESSNESS Sight Gray, overcast skies with no hint of sunlight Empty, deserted streets or desolate landscapes Faces with downcast eyes and slumped shoulders Faded, peeling paint and dilapidated buildings Cluttered, disorganized spaces or barren, empty rooms Sound...


HATRED Sight Eyes narrowing or glaring Flushed or reddened face Clenched fists Tightened jaw or pursed lips Dark, stormy skies or an oppressive, heavy atmosphere Shadows growing long and sharp A room dimming as if the light is being sucked out Sound Low, growling...