CONFUSION Sight: Blurry or unfocused vision Objects or people appearing distorted or out of place Rapidly darting eyes as they try to make sense of surroundings A furrowed brow or squinted eyes Overlapping or conflicting images Unexpected changes in lighting or shadow...


CONFIDENCE Sight A straight posture and a steady gaze A bright, open smile Shoulders pulled back, chest out Smooth, deliberate movements Well-groomed appearance, polished shoes, and tidy clothing Eyes sparkling with determination Confident strides, purposeful steps...


ANNOYANCE Sight: Furrowed brows and narrowed eyes. Quick, jerky movements. Clenched fists or jaw. Rolling eyes. Restless tapping of fingers or foot. Sound: Heavy, exaggerated sighs. Sharp, clipped words. Muttering or grumbling under one’s breath. The clicking of...


ANGER Sight Eyes narrowed, glaring or squinting Face turning red or flushed Veins bulging, especially in the forehead or neck Jaw clenched tightly Fists clenched or fingers twitching Tense muscles, rigid posture Furrowed brows Tears welling up or eyes becoming glassy...


A homeschooled child discovers their parent’s old homeschool journal, revealing secrets that change their perspective on family and education.