RESENTMENT Visual Narrowed eyes or a hard, fixed stare A clenched jaw or lips pressed tightly together A furrowed brow or scowling face A subtle shaking of the head or averted gaze Dark, brooding expressions or a reddening face Auditory A cold, clipped tone of voice...


RELIEF Sight A person’s face relaxing, with tension easing from the forehead and eyes. Shoulders dropping as stress dissipates. A brightening in someone’s expression, often accompanied by a soft smile. A serene landscape, like a calm sea or a clear sky,...


PEACEFULNESS Sight Soft, diffused sunlight filtering through delicate leaves A gentle flutter of butterfly wings in a meadow The slow drift of clouds across a clear blue sky Reflections on a still lake at dawn The gentle fading of twilight colors at sunset Sound The...


PARANOIA Sight Shadows seem to shift and lurk just at the edge of vision. Glances from strangers or even friends appear loaded with hidden meanings or threats. Rooms might feel smaller, as if the walls are closing in. Lights seem to flicker unnaturally, even when they...


NERVOUSNESS Physical (Touch and Internal Sensations) Heart pounding in the chest, often felt as a rapid or irregular heartbeat. Sweaty palms or perspiration on the forehead and other parts of the body. Shaking hands or trembling lips, a general unsteadiness in the...


JEALOUSY Sight Narrowed, darting eyes that continuously observe the object of jealousy. A clenched jaw or a tight, forced smile as someone watches others receive the attention or praise they desire. Subtle changes in facial expression, such as a furrowed brow or a...