IMPATIENCE Sight Narrowing of the eyes or frequent blinking Tapping feet or fingers Clock-watching, with eyes darting to the time repeatedly Fidgeting with objects or clothes Pacing back and forth Sudden, jerky movements Sound Sighing loudly or huffing Muttering to...


HOPELESSNESS Sight Gray, overcast skies with no hint of sunlight Empty, deserted streets or desolate landscapes Faces with downcast eyes and slumped shoulders Faded, peeling paint and dilapidated buildings Cluttered, disorganized spaces or barren, empty rooms Sound...


HATRED Sight Eyes narrowing or glaring Flushed or reddened face Clenched fists Tightened jaw or pursed lips Dark, stormy skies or an oppressive, heavy atmosphere Shadows growing long and sharp A room dimming as if the light is being sucked out Sound Low, growling...


HAPPINESS Sight The radiant glow of a sunrise or sunset Vibrant, colorful flowers in full bloom The joyful expressions on people’s faces Bright, sunny days with clear blue skies Playful animals frolicking in a field Sound The cheerful laughter of children The...


GUILT Sight Averting eyes, avoiding direct eye contact Slumped shoulders, hunched posture Flushed cheeks or pale face Fidgeting hands, wringing fingers Downcast eyes, looking at the ground Sound Quivering voice, stammering speech Deep sighs, heavy breathing Silence,...


GRIEF Sight Dim or blurry vision as tears well up. Stark or muted colors, reflecting a sense of gloom or disinterest in one’s surroundings. Photographs and mementos taking on a poignant significance, standing out in everyday settings. Sound A quiet environment, with...