FEAR Sight: Eyes wide open, pupils dilated Rapidly scanning the environment for danger Pale or flushed skin Hands or body shaking A rapid rise and fall of the chest with heavy breathing Dark shadows and blurred vision Sound: Heart pounding loudly in the ears Shallow,...


EXCITEMENT Sight Eyes wide open, sparkling with anticipation. Quick, animated movements and gestures. Bright, vibrant colors appearing more intense. A broad smile or open mouth. Sound Fast, upbeat heartbeats. Laughter or high-pitched squeals. Loud, rapid talking or...


EMBARRASSMENT Sight Flushed or reddened cheeks Avoiding eye contact or looking down Nervous fidgeting or shifting Sweaty or clammy hands Furrowed brows or a sheepish smile Eyes darting around, seeking an escape Trembling hands or fingers Sound Stammering or stuttering...


DREAD Sight Dim, flickering lights casting long, eerie shadows Dark, ominous clouds gathering on the horizon Abandoned, decrepit buildings with boarded-up windows Figures or shapes lurking in the periphery of vision Flickers of movement just at the edge of sight Sound...


DEPRESSION Sight: Dim or low lighting, often preferring darkness. Disorganized or cluttered spaces. Lack of bright colors, mostly dull or muted tones. Mirrors reflecting a tired, unkempt appearance. Unopened curtains or blinds, blocking out sunlight. Sound: Silence or...


DEFEAT Sight: The sight of a drooping head, shoulders slumped in surrender. Eyes filled with tears or a distant, unfocused gaze. The setting sun casting long, melancholic shadows. A crumpled, torn, or broken object (e.g., a trophy, a flag). The visual contrast of a...