
  • A straight posture and a steady gaze
  • A bright, open smile
  • Shoulders pulled back, chest out
  • Smooth, deliberate movements
  • Well-groomed appearance, polished shoes, and tidy clothing
  • Eyes sparkling with determination
  • Confident strides, purposeful steps


  • A clear, unwavering voice
  • Laughter that is full and hearty
  • The crisp click of heels on a hard floor
  • Steady, rhythmic breathing
  • Assured, concise speech patterns
  • The clapping of hands in a firm handshake


  • A firm handshake, strong grip
  • Warm, dry palms
  • Relaxed, loose muscles
  • Smooth, steady heartbeat
  • The slight tingle of adrenaline


  • The refreshing taste of mint or citrus from a confident smile
  • A lingering taste of a favorite, energizing snack or drink


  • The subtle scent of a favorite, empowering fragrance
  • Freshly laundered clothes
  • The invigorating smell of a clean, well-lit environment

Internal Sensations

  1. Emotional Stability: A feeling of calmness and emotional balance, where one might feel unshaken by setbacks or challenges.
  2. Mental Clarity: Experiencing clear, focused thoughts and the ability to make decisions without excessive doubt or hesitation.
  3. Positive Self-talk: Engaging in empowering inner dialogue that reinforces self-worth and capabilities.
  4. Sense of Control: A strong feeling of agency over one’s actions and the outcomes of various situations.
  5. Reduced Fear: Diminished feelings of fear or anxiety, particularly about how one is perceived by others.
  6. Optimism: A general outlook that is hopeful and anticipates positive outcomes.

External Sensations

  1. Posture: Upright, open posture that conveys a sense of readiness and presence.
  2. Eye Contact: Consistent and comfortable eye contact, suggesting openness and self-assurance.
  3. Facial Expressions: Often relaxed yet alert expressions; smiles may be more frequent, indicating ease and confidence.
  4. Voice: A clear, steady voice that maintains a consistent volume and pace, reflecting self-assuredness.
  5. Gestures: Purposeful and controlled gestures that complement spoken words, demonstrating self-control and conviction.
  6. Physiological Responses: A decrease in stress-related symptoms like sweating or trembling, and an increase in energy levels.