Online Writing Courses


Classroom test writing lessons


Real storytelling strategies used by professional authors


Motivation to keep your child writing


Get self-published on Amazon

Click on a course to see more information and pricing.

Course 1

Creative Writing: ages 8-10

This online course will help your child brainstorm their story, then teach them storytelling strategies so they can craft their short story. Self-Publishing is not part of this course, but can be purchased as an add-on.

Course 2

Creative Writing: ages 11-14

This online course will start with brainstorming but will talk about plot, characters, dialogue, suspense, setting . . . at a higher level appropriate for older writers. It will end with Self-publishing on Amazon.


Course 2

Creative Writing: ages 15-80

This online course will start with brainstorming but will talk about plot, characters, dialogue, suspense, setting . . . at a much higher level appropriate for older writers. This course ends with Self-Publishing on Amazon.


Course 2

Self-Publishing on Amazon

This online course will show students who signed up for Course 1 and now want to Self-Publish their story. It will show how to format their story and extend the page length so that it can be published on Amazon.


Course Fantasy

Write a Fantasy Story

Writing fantasy novels has its own challenges. This course will talk about magic development, world-building, creature and ecology pairing as well as other strategies. This add-on class pairs nicely with Course 1 and Course 2.


Course Sci-Fi

Write a Science Fiction Story

This course will help your child/teen learn strategies around topics in science fiction like world-building, technology development, flora and fauna development . . . This add-on class pairs nicely with Course 1 and Course 2.


Course Minecraft

Write a Minecraft Story

Does your child play Minecraft? This add-on course will help your child use the techniques learned in Course 1 or Course 2 to create their own Minecraft story, and then put it up on Amazon.


Advanced Plot

Save the Cat

Save the Cat is an advanced plot construction technique used in nearly every movie made in the last twenty years. It can be effectively applied to novel writing. This add-on could be paired well with Course 2. Younger writers struggle with these concepts.


1-on-1 Coaching


Sign up for an hour of coaching time with Mark. You can ask question, share with him what you’ve been working on and where you need help. This coaching session will be done via Zoom, and a parent must be present for writers under 18-years old.

1-on-1 Coaching


Sign up for 3 hours of coaching time with Mark. You can ask questions, share with him what you’ve been working on, and show him where you need help. These coaching sessions will be done in 1-hour segments via Zoom, and a parent must be present for writers under 18-years old.

1-on-1 Coaching


Sign up for 5 hours of coaching time with Mark. You can ask questions, share with him what you’ve been working on, and show him where you need help. These coaching sessions will be done in 1-hour segments via Zoom, and a parent must be present for writers under 18-years old.

What do you want?

What am I Missing?

Are there other Creative Writing topics you’d like to see here? Let me know; send me an email. I answer every email personally.