
  • Narrowed eyes or a hard, fixed stare
  • A clenched jaw or lips pressed tightly together
  • A furrowed brow or scowling face
  • A subtle shaking of the head or averted gaze
  • Dark, brooding expressions or a reddening face


  • A cold, clipped tone of voice
  • Sighs of frustration or whispered mutterings
  • A voice tinged with bitterness or sarcasm
  • The absence of usual warmth or cheer in conversation
  • Silence that hangs heavy in the air


  • A tense body posture, with rigid shoulders or crossed arms
  • A quick, dismissive gesture or abrupt movements
  • A feeling of a knot in the stomach or tightness in the chest
  • Clenched fists or tapping fingers betraying impatience or irritation
  • Cold or sweaty palms


  • The acrid scent of sweat under stress
  • A stale, heavy air in a room thick with unspoken words
  • The sharp tang of a room left too long closed off


  • A bitter taste in the mouth
  • The lack of appetite or distaste for normally enjoyed foods
  • An overindulgence in bitter or very strong flavors as a distraction

Internal Sensations

  • A simmering anger or a slow burn inside
  • A heavy, sinking feeling in the pit of the stomach
  • A throbbing pulse or increased heartbeat
  • A sensation of heat flushing through the body
  • A persistent mental replay of the grievance

Internal Sensations

  1. Emotional Turbulence: Feelings of anger, bitterness, and irritation that may persist over time, often simmering beneath the surface.
  2. Cognitive Preoccupation: Continuous thoughts about the incident or person that triggered the resentment. This often includes ruminations, fantasies of revenge, or a sense of injustice.
  3. Physical Discomfort: Tension in the body, especially in areas like the shoulders, chest, or stomach. Some people may experience a clenched jaw, grinding teeth, or a tightness in their throat.
  4. Mood Changes: Prolonged resentment can lead to feelings of sadness or depression, contributing to a generally negative outlook on life.
  5. Energy Drain: A noticeable decrease in energy as the emotional weight of resentment takes a toll, potentially leading to fatigue or lethargy.

External Sensations

  1. Facial Expressions: Frowns, scowls, or a hard, set expression can be common, reflecting the internal anger and dissatisfaction.
  2. Body Language: Closed-off postures, such as crossed arms or avoidance of eye contact, might indicate a person is harboring resentment.
  3. Behavioral Changes: Withdrawal from social interactions, especially with the person who is the focus of the resentment, or passive-aggressive behaviors towards others.
  4. Tone of Voice: A harsh, sarcastic, or cold tone can be used when speaking about or to the person or situation causing resentment.
  5. Physical Symptoms: In some cases, chronic resentment may lead to stress-related symptoms like headaches, digestive issues, or sleep disturbances.