
  • Dimmed lighting or overcast skies
  • Tear-streaked faces or puffy, red eyes
  • Slumped posture or slow, aimless movements
  • Faded colors or a lack of vibrancy in the surroundings
  • Abandoned or neglected spaces, like empty parks or unkempt rooms


  • Soft, muffled cries or sniffles
  • Heavy sighs or deep, slow breaths
  • Silence or a noticeable lack of noise
  • Distant, melancholic music or a slow, somber melody
  • The sound of rain tapping against the window


  • The stale air of a closed room
  • The faint scent of used tissues or damp clothing
  • Mustiness of neglected spaces
  • The sharpness of a cold outdoor breeze


  • The weight of a heavy blanket or clothing
  • The coldness of tears on cheeks
  • A noticeable chill in the air, making the skin prickle
  • The texture of crumpled tissues or a worn-out comfort object like a stuffed animal


  • The blandness or lack of flavor in food
  • A metallic or dry taste in the mouth
  • The warmth or bitterness of a comfort drink like herbal tea or black coffee

Internal Sensations

  1. Emotional Pain: A profound sense of loss or disappointment can lead to feelings of emotional pain or emptiness.
  2. Cognitive Symptoms: Difficulty concentrating, persistent negative thoughts, self-criticism, or feelings of worthlessness.
  3. Physical Symptoms: A sensation of heaviness in the body, particularly in the chest or stomach. Some people might also experience fatigue, headaches, or changes in appetite.
  4. Reduced Motivation: A lack of interest in activities that normally bring joy, which can lead to withdrawal from social interactions.
  5. Tearfulness: An increased inclination to cry, which can occur with little to no provocation.

External Sensations

  1. Facial Expressions: Frowning, a furrowed brow, downturned corners of the mouth, and less frequent blinking.
  2. Body Language: Slumped shoulders, decreased energy, slow movements, and a tendency to look down rather than at others.
  3. Vocal Changes: Speaking in a lower, quieter tone; speech may be slower and less animated than usual.
  4. Social Withdrawal: Pulling away from friends and family, preferring to be alone.
  5. Tears: The visible manifestation of crying, which can be accompanied by sobbing or sniffing.